
1. Configuration Options

2. UNIX Installation Instructions

3. NT Installation Instructions

4. Daemon Installation Instructions

5. Installation Services

6. AdCycle Hosting

There are three different configurations for running adcycle. With each of these options you must run build.cgi as described in the sections below titled "UNIX INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS" or "NT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS".
This is the most common installation configuration. No special options with apache server are used.
- easy to install
- recommended, try this first, easy to switch later
- could eventually be a bottleneck if you serve 500K+ ads a day
A high performance configuration. Visit http://www.apache.org for install info.
- fast, reliable
- can serve 500,000+ impressions a day on a decent machine
- Memory hog
- Availability by ISP limited
- Difficult to setup
An high performance configuration. [instructions near bottom of this page]
- fast
- low memory consumption
- low resource consumption
- can serve 500,000+ impressions a day on a decent machine
- runs only on UNIX
- need telnet access
** On a LAN it is possible to serve 1-2 million ads a day with option 2 or 3 using decent hardware. **
If you are new to AdCycle, it is recommended that you test the server using option 1, then migrate to option 2 or 3 after you are comfortable using the functionality. Option 1 will work well for most sites.
UNIX Installation Instructions
1. FTP adcycleX.X.tar.gz file to your cgi-bin (binary transfer mode)
2. Uncompress the file: type "gunzip adcycleX.X.tar.gz"(replace X.X)
3. Unpack adcycleX.X.tar: type "tar -xvf adcycleX.X.tar" into your cgi-bin
4 Change adcycle file permissions as follows:
chmod 755 AdAdvertiser.pm
chmod 755 AdCampaign.pm
chmod 755 AdConfig.pm
chmod 755 AdCookies.pm
chmod 755 AdCron.pm
chmod 755 AdDb.pm
chmod 755 AdEnv.pm
chmod 755 AdGroups.pm
chmod 755 AdHtml.pm
chmod 755 AdLogin.pm
chmod 755 AdManager.pm
chmod 755 AdMaster.pm
chmod 755 AdReports.pm
chmod 755 AdTarget.pm
chmod 755 AdTables.pm
chmod 755 AdTools.pm
chmod 755 adcenter.cgi
chmod 755 adclick.cgi
chmod 750 adcron.cgi
chmod 750 adcycle.c
chmod 755 adcycle.cgi
chmod 750 adcycled
chmod 755 build.cgi
chmod 750 safe_adcycled
chmod 750 log_compress
[** Important Note: >> Change build.cgi to 750 permissions after build, or delete it from your filesystem **]
5. In your web pages directory, create a images directory called "adimages"
-- The adcycle images should be in a world readable non-cgi
directory (a typical web site directory)
6. Copy the images from the "adimages" directory to the newly created one.
-- FTP makes this easy (binary transfer mode)
-- It is really important to move the images, otherwise functionality of the
program will be reduced
7. Edit the AdConfig.pm file (update the required fields)
8. In MySQL, Create a Database called "adcycle"
-- the typical approach is to type;
mysql (opens mysql) (the connection method will vary from ISP to ISP)
ALT possibility "mysql -pyour_password"
ALT possibility "mysql -uyour_user_name -pyour_password"
ALT possibility "mysql -uyour_user_name -pyour_password -hyour_hostname"
create database adcycle;" (creates the database)
quit (closes mysql)
** If this does not work, please contact your ISP. **
9. Set your MySQL permissions. The "your_user_name" and "your_password" should coincide with
AdConfig.pm settings. Here is what I use;
-- the typical approach is to type;
mysql (opens mysql)
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO your_user_name@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO your_user_name@"%" IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
quit (closes mysql)
** If this does not work, please contact your ISP. **
10. Run build.cgi from the shell;
-- type "perl5 build.cgi" (or just "perl build.cgi")
-- after a successful build, proceed to 12
11. Try to access http://..../..../adcenter.cgi from your browser;
-- If you see a login page appear, and sample campaigns, your setup! good job
-- If not, or you receive an error message;
a) check your file permissions!
b) check AdConfig.pm options
c) check your apache(or web server) error log file
d) check the perl headers for the adcenter.cgi, adcycle.cgi, and adclick.cgi scripts (i.e. !#/usr/bin/...)
e) try "perl adcenter.cgi" from the telnet shell (check error messages)
f) check your mySQL permissions
* Please contact your ISP if you have dbi.pm or mysql problems *
NT Installation Instructions
AdCycle Install Procedure for Win 95/98/NT - Edited by Hamilton Meyer 10/20/00
1. Download and install ActivePerl 5.6+ for 95/98/NT
NOTE: You'll need Windows Installer 1.1+ available on the same page.
2. Download, unzip, and install DBI, DBD::MySQL, DBD::ODBC and DBD::CSV for Win32
Unzip each module to a separate directory.
To install these PERL modules, open a command prompt and CD to the directory containing the
unzipped module
-- type ppm install dbi.ppd
cd to the next module directory and repeat the install command, replacing "dbi.ppd" with
the module name in that directory (the file ending in .ppd)
Repeat until all required modules are installed.
3. Restart your machine to complete the PERL setup.
NOTE: MySQL will not install until you restart.
4. Download and install the latest MySQL for 95/98/NT
http://www.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-3.23.html (as of 10/20/00)
It is HIGHLY recommended that you accept all the default installer settings!
If asked if you'd like to install as a service, say yes.
You'll be prompted for both an admin UserName/Password and a Database UserName/Password.
5. Open a command prompt and CD to the "bin" directory of MySQL (probably c:\\mysql\bin)
type "mysql" (opens mysql)
type "create database adcycle;" (creates the database)
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO your_user_name@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO your_user_name@"%" IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
quit (closes mysql)
** If this does not work, please contact your ISP. **
6. Unzip adcycleX.X.zip into your web servers cgi-bin or SCRIPTS directory
7. In your web pages directory, create an images directory called "adimages"
-- The adcycle images should be in a world readable non-cgi
directory (a typical web site directory)
8. Copy the images from the "adimages" directory to the newly created one.
-- FTP makes this easy (binary transfer mode)
-- It is really important to move the images, otherwise functionality of the
program will be reduced
9. Open all .cgi and .pm files in WordPad (not NotePad) and resave as text only.
Make sure to retain the original .cgi or .pm extensions.
This step will ensure all carriage returns are PC formated and not UNIX format.
10. Edit the AdConfig.pm file (update the required fields)
11. Run build.cgi from the shell;
-- type perl build.cgi
-- after a successful build, proceed to 12
12. Try to access http://..../..../adcenter.cgi from your browser;
-- If you see a login page appear, your setup! good job
-- If not, or you receive an error message;
a) check your file permissions!
b) check AdConfig.pm options
c) check your apache(or web server) error log file
d) check the perl headers for each cgi script (i.e. !#/usr/bin/...)
On my 98 machine I specify the full path,
e) try "perl adcenter.cgi" from the shell (check error messages)
f) add a "use lib '/path/to/adcycle/dir';" to the second line of each .cgi file
* contact your ISP if you have dbi.pm or mysql problems *
[thanks to Hamilton Meyer for NT Instruction mods]
Daemon Installation Instructions
2. Telnet access
3. C compliler (almost always available)
Install Imstructions:
1. Run build.cgi as described above for new AdCycle installs. Test access to the admin area and ad delivery before trying the following below.
2. Then type the following lines;
> cd /full/path/to/adcycle [navigate to the adcycle installation directory]
> mkdir sock [this creates the sock directory]
> chmod 777 sock [this changes the permissions on the sock directory]
3. Edit "safe_adcycled", "adcycle.c", and "adcycled" using a text editor. Update the configuration block in each of the 3 files.
4. Start the daemon(s) by typing;
> nohup perl safe_adcycled &
> nohup perl5 safe_adcycled &
If you get error messages, stop and check your configuration. All three files need to be updated as described in step3. Once you start safe_adcycled in this fashion, the program will continue to run until you issue a "perl safe_adcycled stop" command. "safe_adcycled" is designed to monitor the daemons, and restart them if problems arise. If you continue to issue commands to start "safe_adcyceld", the old process will be terminated to prevent multiple copies from running.
5. Compile adcycle.c and copy to adcycle.cgi: type;
> gcc adcycle.c -o adcycle.cgi
6. Test the ad delivery
> ./adcycle.cgi [or check ad loading in your webpages]
If you do not see a URL output then try "ps -ax | grep perl" and see if there is 1 "safe_adcycle" thread and "adcycled" thread(s).
7. [optional] In the event that your ISP's server is rebooted you will need to restart the daemons. You have 3 options.
a) Start the daemons yourself by running "nohup perl safe_adcycled &" from telnet. Most unix servers can run for weeks or months without reboot.
b) Put safe_adcycled in your start-up scripts. Specify the full path to safe_adcycled.
c) Add a cron process to your server that runs every 15 minutes or so. Here is an example entry;
> crontab -e [access cron entries]
> 0,15,30,45 * * * * perl /full/path/to/safe_adcycled
Note: If you continue to issue commands to start "safe_adcycled", the old process will be terminated to prevent multiple copies from running.
Starts the daemons: nohup perl safe_adcycled &
Stops the daemons: perl safe_adcycled stop
* Note: The daemon setup may not work for everyone. Use configuration 1 or 2 if you have problems. *
AdCycle does not offer paid support options. The individuals/companies below are not associated with AdCycle, but have offered installation services for a nominal fee. Email webmaster@adcycle.com if you would like your company added to this list. If you have a bad experience with any of the installers below, email us.
AdCycle does not offer hosting at this time. The individuals/companies below are not associated with AdCycle. Email webmaster@adcycle.com if you would like your company added to this list. If you have a bad experience with any of the hosting services below, email us.
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